When chocolate gets warm


Why Warm Weather is Chocolate's Arch-Nemesis

Chocolate, the delectable treat adored worldwide, is a delicate luxury. Its rich, velvety texture, the snap when you break a piece, and the melt-in-your-mouth experience all make chocolate universally cherished. However, this indulgence has one major vulnerability: warm weather.

How Warm Weather Adversely Affects Chocolate:

  1. Melting & Misshaping: Chocolate begins to melt anywhere between 86°F to 90°F (30°C to 32°C). Once it melts, it loses its original form, leading to deformed and unappealing products. The outcome is not just an aesthetic issue; the taste and texture are compromised as well.

  2. Bloom Development: Ever noticed a white, powdery or streaky coating on your chocolate? That's 'bloom' - a result of chocolate being exposed to fluctuating temperatures. There are two types of bloom:

    • Fat Bloom: Caused when the cocoa butter in the chocolate crystallizes. This alters the texture, making it grainy.
    • Sugar Bloom: Happens when chocolate's surface absorbs moisture. The sugar dissolves and then recrystallizes, forming a gritty surface.
  3. Texture Disruption: Heat can disturb the careful balance of cocoa, sugar, and fats in chocolate. This imbalance can lead to a less smooth mouthfeel, compromising the eating experience.

For chocolate manufacturers and sellers, these adverse effects mean unsatisfied customers, returned products, and decreased sales. When transporting chocolate, especially during the warmer months, it's paramount to ensure it reaches the end consumer in impeccable condition.

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Introducing Our Thermal Protection Solution:

Protect your chocolate from the wrath of the sun and warm weather! With our cutting-edge thermal protection solution, your chocolate remains safeguarded from melting, bloom, and texture disruptions during transportation. Whether your goods are on a long-haul journey or temporarily left in the sun, our solution ensures they arrive in pristine condition, preserving both quality and reputation.

Slowing down the temperature changes.

Using thermal pallet covers, or container liners, you can reduce the spikes in temperature experienced in warm weather.


The foil outer reflects the heat from the sun.


The non-woven liner in the foil cover restricts heat transfer creating a thermal barrier.

Montage of thermal foil pallet cover and container liner

Monitoring Temperature during transit

To check the temperature during transit you can use temperature data loggers which can record for up to 120 days duration.


The data is output as a PDF report at the destination.

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Passive Temperature Control

For shorter duration deliveries, you may be able to use gel ice packs, or phase change materials to stabilise temperatures for up to three days.


Phase change material is designed to 'freeze' at different temperatures.


Therefore we can supply phase change products that freeze at 5 degrees Celsius. This prevents the chocolate from getting damaged by getting too cold.

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If you would like to discuss our solutions, please get in touch.